Annual report


“Values are like fingerprints
no one has the same,
but you leave them with everything you do”
Elvis Presley


Dear Parents and Kita Interested

The year 2018 was marked by my further training as certified pedagogical management, the ten-year anniversary of the daycare center and the opening of our new baby group.

Our purchases: This year, the wardrobe was equipped with new furniture and a talking wall was created, which allows parents to better perceive our everyday life in pictures and text. In the group room, a plateau was added, which created an additional space to retreat. New seat cushions were purchased for the morning circle and an extension of the range of games such as: rag dolls, baby carts, triangular climbing wooden element with slide, rocking swing, crawling tunnel. In the basement there was a painting wall sponsored by a parent. In the outdoor area there was a new twin car and new bicycles. In the garden came a new spielhüsli, which a member of staff gave us.


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Continuing education In my further training as certified pedagogical director this year, many questions arose such as: What is our mission in day-to-day daycare and how do we carry it out? How can we involve parents? How can we bring parents closer to their day-to-day daycare, or even involve them? What are the values we pass on? We imagine a chain on which it is being forged more and more so that it grows. The processing is such that it does not tear?…. On these questions, we as a team at our internal training with Bernese Health looked at the topic: “Examination of the orientation framework, our attitude and our pedagogical actions”. From this we took with us answers, wishes and ideas that inspired me to reformulate our pedagogical concept and to work with the team to develop a mission statement that shows the identification, the mission and the vision of our company. This mission statement will be published in 2019.


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Working with parents is very important to us and it is a gift for us every year if we can meet with our activities at our summer festival and at the Samichlaus and be in exchange with each other. This year we have been able to reach a lot of families with our activities. With our 33 families and 40 registered children, we were up to 70 people on the joint occasions. This interest is a testament to the appreciation of our offer, which we are very pleased about. A big thank you to all parents for the trust, the good conversations and the voluntary support for various projects.

We look forward to being together on the way next year.

Aimée Scotoni
Kita management

Project Sinne- Excursion to the Sensorium in rütihubelbad

In June we had the topic of meanings in the daycare. In the morning circle with the children, we discussed a different meaning every week. Experimenting and learning like using the senses was a lot of fun for the children and the team.

So that a few of the children could have even more sensory experiences and experience something completely different, we went on a small journey.

On 05.07.2018 Aimée and Janine took a trip to the Sensorium with a small group. There were various games and tasks to be done and solved on three floors.

The offer was great. We were allowed to walk with our bare feet through a course of stones, cotton wool and sand, which was a fun feeling and offered us the opportunity to have a completely new experience. Different scents for smelling, touch games and playing with a hand organ ourselves, in all these things we were allowed to practice and create new knowledge.

At noon we took a little break. There were cervelat, bread and vegetable sticks. Afterwards we made a last lap through the Sensorium, followed by a visit to the two playgrounds. One of them had a huge swing, where we had a place for two. The other had a long slide with a bend and various climbing options.

Janine Balsiger

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Bibili Project

On May 21st we started the project. We had 18 chicken eggs in the incubator. We checked the temperature daily and poured water into a vessel so that the egg skin surrounding the chick did not dry out. In addition, the eggs were automatically turned daily. Time passed and on the 21st day we suddenly heard a beeping from an egg. The children were thrilled and very excited to see the first chick hatch from the shell. From that moment on, one after the other slipped out. Within the day, of these 18 , fourteen were born. Now the care of our offspring began.

Now there was a lot of excitement in the air. The children were completely out of the house and were happy about our new roommates. The chicks were fed daily and families were allowed to feed them at weekends. When they were a little bit taller, they were allowed to walk around in the grass and eat grass before daycare. The days and weeks passed and we were amazed at how the animals grew. After four weeks we decided to bring the chicks to Neuchatel, where our daycare geese already linger. We organized a trip with the bigger children and brought the chicks to their new home together. It was nice for her to see where her new home is.

Aimée Scotoni

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Butterfly project

In July, the aarberg primary school rejected a butterfly box. In it was a bouquet with fennel herb as fodder for several caterpillars. They stayed a little hidden on the stems and crawled around on them. Those who had taken the time to look good could see how the caterpillars were scraging and getting thicker. Then all of a time you could see her pupated and inconspicuously hanging somewhere in the box. What a surprise when one day butterflies slipped in the box and wanted to go to freedom. We liked to give them to the beautiful animals after we had admired them long enough.

Irene Kapp

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Excursion to Bern on the belts

Last summer Larissa Russo successfully completed her training at FaBeK. As a final trip, we were allowed to make a trip on the belts, which she had planned and organized as a final project. The journey by train as well as the journey with the Gurtenbahn was an experience for the children. Arriving at the top, the children explored the area and played on the large playground. After a while we looked for a shady place to have lunch with the children. In a short siesta time we had enough time to recover to play again afterwards. Some children wanted to ride the small Gurten railway, others preferred to eat an ice cream. It was a great day with many new impressions and experiences for young and old.

Sabrina Geissbühler

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Repaint the Keller project

Repainting in the basement “Movement and creative space”

In June of last year, we asked parents to help us repaint our movement and creative space in the basement. On a Friday evening and Saturday morning, various parents with and without children came to support us energetically. On Friday everything was prepared and on Saturday the room received the definitive color.

We appreciate these support very much and are grateful to all those who always offer us small and also larger support. That is why we would like to thank everyone once again. We also enjoy the company that we can experience together in this context.

Sabrina Geissbühler

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Fountain Festival

In August, the Brunnenfest for the inauguration of the new water feature took place at Müntschemier station. In addition to the official speech, various attractions were offered. The culinary was not neglected either.

Together with the team of the Tippi playgroup, we have agreed to set up a program for the children. In a course, the youngest had the opportunity to take a lap with different vehicles, to get make-up done and to throw cans. There was also a fine bowl to buy. The theatre group Müntschemier has organized a puppet theatre, which was performed twice for the children present.

Sabine Huwiler

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Since the summer there is a small library in the cloakroom. It consists of books on various pedagogical topics, which can be borrowed for a month. Of course, parents can also provide books or films that they have taken to living with their children.
In order to make the whole thing even more attractive, we will change the material on the book table quarterly in the future.

Sabine Huwiler

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Project Nutrition - Visit of a farm in Gals

In the summer we dealt with the topic of nutrition. The children learned a lot about fruits and vegetables, which could be tasted naturally. In particular, we took the apple through. Together we prepared smaller meals for the Zvieri.

We also treated different types of cereals that could be ground or turned through the muesli squeeze. We processed the flour into bread together with the children.

Where does the milk come from? What can be made of it? What do cows like and what don’t? We have sought answers to these questions.

And as a highlight we were allowed to visit a farm in Gals, where the calves are kept together with the suckler cows. It also houses very child-friendly horses, rabbits and chickens.

Sabine Huwiler

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Project Grüffelo


From November to December we are immersed in the world of Grüffelo history. With the mouse and the Grüffelo we got to know different feelings and together we try to find an expression for joy, fear, happiness, anger and grief. We moved, tinkered and listened to stories. The children are loudly like the Grüffelo stomped through the “forest” and sneaked quietly like the mouse on the tip of the toes. We drew the Grüffelo together, looked at the story and named feelings.

The aim of this project was to strengthen the emotional competence of the children. The children implemented this immediately in everyday life. When a conflict broke out between two children, one suddenly heard: “Jetz bini ugly” or when we looked at the Grüffelo story, the statement came “from Grüffelo hani Angst”.

The children loved this story and couldn’t get enough of it.

(People are described as emotionally competent, who are able to deal appropriately with their feelings and those of others.)

Samira Schorno

10 years of Kita Pinocchio

At last, the time had come. Kita Pinocchio celebrated its 10th anniversary in September 2018. In these 10 years we have had a lot to experience. The daycare opened the door for the first time on September 1, 2008 and was visited by 10 children a day. Throughout the week, there were 20 children. Today we have up to 25 places per day for the children and 40 registered places per week. For us, this is a great success and a pleasure, because we were able to open our second group in November 2018.

The festival took place in place of the annual summer festival. Also this year we were lucky and could enjoy our big day in nice weather and sun.

At this festival we offered visits to the daycare. Many have noticed that the daycare has evolved and that new things have been created. For the children there was a post run with awarding of prizes and they could have their make-up done. The large place in front of the daycare offered the visitors enough space to enjoy the homemade pumpkin soup and the bread in company. For young and old, the story of the Queen of Colors was performed in the movement room.

Thanks to numerous visitors, we experienced the 10 years in quick transit again. We were happy about many former children with their parents and families, many helpers who actively support us over the years, visitors to daycare centers in the area, former employees, the regional social service, craftsmen, municipal employees, Relatives, acquaintances and friends who were present that day.

We would like to thank all those involved for the successful celebration.

Sabrina Geissbühler

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This year, we have intensified our portfolio work.

We have thought about the design of the portfolio, what we want to capture and what parents and children can contribute to it.

The portfolio is intended to record development steps, group experiences and small anecdotes from day-to-day day-care, which can later be viewed together with the children.

Each child is allowed to take home their own portfolio when they leave the daycare centre. Thus, the parents get a deeper insight into what your child experienced and said in the daycare days and for the children it should be a souvenir for the future.

Samira Schorno

Impressions in the course of the year

Pirate Competition & Swiss TV visit us ☺

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Group activities and free play

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Potato harvest

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Kindermund 2018

Alisa zeigt auf ihren Muggenstich und sagt: „ Lug mau Samira, da het mi öpis gässe“

Lua: „Ig bi eifach d’Lua, Miriam heisst mis Mami“

Samira: „Wie heisst de dr Papi?“

Lua: Amor

Einisch bim nä Mittagässe, bisch du mit de Sabrina & de angerä Chind ir Chuchi gsässe.D’Sabrina het chli sträng müesse säge, dass du söusch blibe sitze. Du luegsch sä mit grosse ouge ah und seisch: „ig glotze di grad ah“ ☺ (Colin)


Our employees:

• Aimée Scotoni daycare manager / kindergarten teacher
• Sabrina Geissbühler STV Kitaleitung / FaBe K
• Irene Kapp Primary Teacher/Co-Educator
• Sabine Huwiler Playgroup Director/FaBe K &
Group leader
• Samira Schorno FaBe K EFZ
• Janine Balsiger FaBe K EFZ / Group Management
Schwalbe Group
• Beate Kiewel FaBe K Group Schwalbe
• Joanna Jampen Co-educator /Springerin
• Sonja Kiener Kita Grosi & Springerin
• Melanie Schaller Trainees from 1.8.18
• Sandro Wiesler trainee from 01.08.2017
• Christa Vaglietti cook from May 2017

We welcome:
• Melanie Schaller new trainees from 1.8.18
• Joanna Jampen from 1.8.18 Co-educator
• Samira Schorno FaBe K permanent position from 1.11.18 on the group Falke
• Beate Kiewel FaBe K from 1.12.18 on the group Schwalbe

We wish you all the best:

• Larissa Russo has successfully completed her training as FaBe K. She will leave us in July 2018
• Tamara Künzli leaves us after 9 years of work in our daycare to devote herself entirely to her daughter. As a jumper, she will continue to stand by us in bottlenecks, which we are very pleased about.

The Kita Pinocchio in numbers

Our utilization over the last 10 years:

Operation Year Supervised children Queue
1st year 2009 20 3
2nd year 2010 21 9
3rd year 2011 28 12
4th year 2012 28 18
5 year 2013 33 21
6 year 2014 30 10
7 year 2015 38 3
8 years 2016 37 12
9th year 2017 39 13
10 years 2018 40 19

2018: Admissions: 20 | Exits:11

Annual Report Board 2018


Personally, the past year has fortunately been a rather quiet year. Special mention should be made here of the 10th anniversary of Irene, as well as the training degrees of Aimee (Pedagogical Director) and Sabrina (Training Concept), as well as Sabine (FaBe K EFZ).


The year 2018 was extraordinarily labour intensive. The projects and work were discussed at 10 meetings and implementation was initiated.
Further training for staff has been approved and the sums of money required to do so have been released.

By approving five new places, including three subsidised and three private places, and the possibility of renting another

Apartment within the daycare property, we were finally able to make the long planned expansion of the daycare center by an additional group. This was inaugurated on 16.11.2018 with an opening aperitif.

Baby group Swallow from 4 months to 2years and group falcon 2-6 years.

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Furthermore, the lease for the daycare garden could be extended. Even if it now costs us CHF 500.– per year, until now we were allowed to use the garden free of charge, it is a valuable experience for the children.
On 15.09.2018 we were able to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Kita Pinocchio together with current and former children and their parents, as well as interested people from the village and the surrounding area.

Less pleasing, however, was the fact that due to a case of scabies, the daycare had to remain closed for three days at the end of 2018.


Finally, I would like to thank the daycare team, as well as my colleagues from the board, for their cooperation, as well as the parents for the trust they have placed in them.

Thomas Böhler