
Costs for the stay and care of the children

Tariff regulations

With the introduction of care vouchers throughout the canton of Bern, our rates are changing. Our tariffs can be found in the tariff regulations.

Discounting of tariffs through support vouchers

From August 2019, the Canton of Bern has established the possibility of care vouchers for all municipalities. Check with your local community to see if care vouchers are offered.

Parents to whom we can offer a place will receive a care contract from us. Parents can then claim their entitlement to care vouchers online with kiBon https://kibon.ch/web/#/anmeldung. You can estimate the amount of the voucher https://www.fambe.sites.be.ch/familienthemen/kinderbetreuung/betreuungsgutscheine/gutscheinrechner with the voucher calculator.

Further information on the care vouchers can be found on the website of the Canton of Bern https://www.gef.be.ch/gef/de/index/familie/familie/familienergaenzendebetreuung/betreuungsgutscheine/uebersicht.html.

It is possible to choose a higher level of care than is compensated by the care vouchers. Then the parents pay the costs themselves for the unsupported portion of the care.