Annual report


The past year left positive impressions and great experiences with the children and the team. Thus, the day-to-day life of the kindergarten turned out to be varied and exciting. In this year’s annual report, you can read what we have experienced and get an insight into our everyday lives.

Of course, there are always new things, such as the Montessori room, which we have furnished and has now become an integral part of our everyday life. To this end, we attended a team training course in 2015 and now implemented our newly acquired products with us in 2016.

At the beginning of the summer there was a big change, as many children ended their kindergarten career and came to kindergarten. But we were also able to welcome and settle in just as many new children.

The cooperation with the parents is very important to us and we were able to experience a joint parents’ evening. The evening on the subject of “children’s massage” turned out to be instructive and practical. Some parents were already somewhat familiar with the subject, for others it was something new. We are very happy that we can spend these evenings with the parents and thank you for welcoming so many parents.

Sabrina Geissbühler, STV Kitaleiterin

Design of a morning at the Kita Pinocchio

From 07.00 o’clock the first children arrive. Until breakfast we deliberately do not plan anything. So the children can do what they feel like doing. There are children who still need some rest at this time. They have the opportunity to lie down a bit and cuddle with their nuschis or stuffed animals. Helping in the kitchen is also popular. There is a lot to do here in the morning, such as filling bottles, preparing zmorge and cutting fruits for the snack. Helping with the housework fills the children with pride and they also get to know what needs to be done like in a family.

At 08.00 o’clock we take the Zmorge. After that, the children can play freely.

At 09.00 o’clock we all meet in the morning circle. There we sing our good morning song. In addition, we have introduced a mood song and a board with fish that express different emotional states (happy, sad, angry, tired). Here the children can stick on their picture with the right emotional state.

  1. Verse:
    Wöu i hüt so glücklech bi,
    laugh i so before mi hi,
    lache di eifach a,
    wöu das Lache, das steckt a.
    Hahaha, hahaha, hahahahahahah….

After the morning circle, we divide the children into different groups. For example, it looks like this:

One group stays in the group room, another goes outside and the third goes to the basement, where we have set up a “gumpi room” with various pillows and building elements. Also in the basement is our painting and work corner.

At 10.00 a.m. there are fruits for the Znüni.

Then we change the groups. In this way, the children experience a varied morning with moving as well as quieter moments. It is also important to us that the children can indulge in free play, but also have the opportunity to experience guided sequences.

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At about 11.15 a.m. everyone meets again in a circle. Here we sing some songs until it’s time for lunchtime. At 11.30 am we send a child to the kitchen to ask if lunch is ready. The joy is always great when the child comes back and shouts: “Mir chöi ässe.”

Sabine Huwiler

Garden Year 2016

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Again we can look back on a fruitful and joyful garden year. Planting, sowing, weeding and finally harvesting is a very satisfying job and has paid off. We were gifted with a lot of salad and various vegetables, kilos of zucchini and beans, the raspberries also gave a great yield and the children were very happy about snacking.

In April, our garden year began when we prepared the vegetable garden together with the Löffel family: everything had already been ploughed, so that we only had to sprinkle the paths between the beds with schnitzel. Erwin has already planted lettuce and cabbage, put peas and bulbs and covered everything nicely with a tile.

In May we could really get started with beans, sow carrots and plant fennel, salad and kohlrabi seedlings. Also leeks, broccoli and celery could not be missing. Tomatoes came to the tomato house and zucchini, cucumbers and sweet corn found space on the many beds. We sowed the sunflowers with the children.

Again and again we put enough salads for daily use. Almost every Thursday we marched with a small group of children to the company Swissplant GmbH in the moss to ask for leftover seedlings. And every time we have been very generously gifted with a wide variety of lettuce and vegetable young plants. As a result, we have been able to use our own salad and vegetables from the kindergarten garden in our kindergarten kitchen practically completely. A very big merci to Mr. Löffel and his employees from the company Swiss Plant GmbH.

At this point, the Kitateam would also like to thank Erwin and Brigitte Löffel for the generosity of Erwin and Brigitte Löffel, that we are allowed to use the garden and that they support us so actively in gardening. It is a great gift for us as a team and for the children to experience how vegetables and berries grow and ripen, and how big and small can experience the cycle of nature with all their senses.

Irene Kapp

Kita Pinocchio | Müntschemier

Montessori – Rooms

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Help me to do it myself!

This is one of many quotes from the pedagogue, Maria Montessori.

We decided to offer the children a new range of games and set up a Montessori room for the children.

In the Montessori room, the children can try to solve different tasks. Each task is on a tablet. The children take one, sit down in their ready seat (at the table or on the floor) and start tinkering.

It stimulates and promotes thinking, helps to challenge fine and gross motor skills and strengthens self-esteem when they have completed a task.

The children love the new range of games and it is nice to see how quickly they learn and how precisely they try to complete the tasks. For them, it goes without saying that everyone does something for themselves in the Montessori room. The quiet atmosphere is a good break from everyday kindergarten life for them.

Janine Balsiger

Forest and Garden Days

Almost every morning at 6.45 a.m. the wagon was packed outside for the garden or the forest. About 9.15 a.m. we set off with the children. Often we had to make a fire on arrival in the forest so that we could eat warm at lunch. We were allowed to experiment, research, discover and try out a lot.

We met a lot of people in the forest, walkers with their dogs, cyclists and even the police. We were able to witness a whole morning of training with the dogs.

The afternoon nap on the forest moss or under the tree was nothing special for us, because we know nothing else. We spent many beautiful, wet and cold days in nature and are already looking forward to spring again when it says: “Chinder chömmet es isch aus bereit, mir wei loslaufe, mir hei e wiite Wäg bis i Waud”.

Tamara Künzli

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"Dr Bäbiegge" a story from everyday kindergarten life

Kita Pinocchio | Müntschemier

The doll’s corner with the children’s kitchen was located for some time on the left side of the group room. More and more often it happened that the children who played there moved all the dolls, the doll’s carriages and all the furniture to the windows with niches. The fact that we asked the children to stay in the designated corner was of little use. They loved to play with the dolls in the corner with the window niches and set up houses and beds there.

It is very important to us to take into account the needs of the children and that they can develop freely while playing. That’s why after some time we gave ourselves defeat and restrained the doll’s corner to the window niches. So the tidying up took a little less time and everyone was satisfied.

Sabine Huwiler

Excursion by carriage

After three long years, Bettina has completed her training in our kindergarten. As a surprise, we planned a trip with the children.

On a Tuesday we packed everything and got dressed. Bettina and the children were very surprised when a carriage with two horses stood in front of the kindergarten. The man helped us to get on the carriage and the children chose a place. We were able to enjoy a slightly different trip to Ins on the St. Jodel. Some children were so tired that they didn’t notice much of it, others discovered the environment from a different point of view.

On the St. Jodel there was enough space to climb, run and hide. The rain did not stop the children from playing. We made a fire and the interested children helped Tiziana to prepare lunch. Under the canopy of the house we all ate together the cervelats and the various salads.

After dinner we found a place where the children could rest, the little ones went with Sabine and Janine by car back to the kindergarten. After the afternoon nap there was little time to play again, then we made our way on foot to the train station in Ins and took the train back to the kindergarten.

Sabrina Geissbühler

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Summer Festival 2016

In the summer on August 26th, the summer party took place in our garden, on a hot summer evening.

The model for our festival was the book “Der kleine Wassermann -Sommerfest im Wühlemeier”. We had prepared various posts with activities for the children and parents. The children received a stamp card on which they received a stamp at each post they visited. As soon as the stamp card was full, they got a small price.

The parents brought delicious homemade food with them and grilling was also diligent. For parents and children, the summer party was a nice experience. The team was very happy about the great feedback from the parents. And for the Kita team, the summer party was a success.

Larissa Russo

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Skype with Aimée

From the very beginning, Aimée regularly sent us pictures from her vacation. We were happy about it and saw how her garden grew in Mallorca and what the house and the surrounding area offered her.

Despite the great distance, the children always had Aimée present and could look at the pictures.

For some children there was the opportunity to make contact with Aimée via Skype in the kindergarten. For some children it was a new experience and were therefore rather skeptical and did not want to talk to her. Others already knew the video transmission and proudly put themselves in the foreground. They told wildly confused what they were able to do and what they had experienced.

Sabrina Geissbühler

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Samichlous du liebe Maa
Lue mau was ig für di ha
Es Värsli wo ig für di möcht chönne
ud Cherzli wo ig for di ha la brönne
Ig ha thinks for di muess from perfect si
da ig that tried ha, hope ih very uf es Chlousesäckli
Ig bi nid every day good gsi, that yes ou clear
But you weisch ja ig gibemer mühe u das ou im nöchsten Jahr

Sandro Wiesler

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Tamara tells the kindergarten children that they have to clean up in the basement and she goes into the break. Sonja goes downstairs and helps them, then Jonas says: “If d’Tamara knows that, hätt si gar nid Fröid.”

Lhamo plays with other children in the basement. It’s loud and wild. Sabine asks: “What are you doing de there?”

Lhamo replies: ” On s’amuse comme des foux ! »

Nicolas discovers the rake in his crest and says to Anina: “Do we want to calculate?”

Anina helps to harvest the corn on the cob in the garden. Suddenly she says: “Irene, lueg , i ha de Mais departed!”

Jessica to Sabine: “I bi ds Schaf und du?”

Sabine: “I bi dr Aff.”

Jessica: “Hesch du Windeli anne?”


Our employees:

Aimée Scotoni Kitaleitung
Sabrina Geissbühler STV Kitaleitung
Irene Kapp Primary teacher
Sabine Huwiler Playgroup Leader
Tamara Spoon Executive committee
Janine Balsiger Educator EFZ
Joanna Jampen German jumpers
Bettina Arnold Apprentices until July 2016
Larissa Russo Apprentices from February 2016
Sandro Wiesler Trainee
Tiziana Diiorio Cook until October 2016
Claudia Meier Cook from November 2016

We welcome:

Larissa Russo, Trainee
Sandro Wiesler, Intern
Claudia Meier, Cook

We wish you all the best:

Bettina Arnold, Trainee
Tiziana Di Iorio, cook

Further training as a team:

On the topics:

  • Resilience in children
  • Own resilience
  • High sensitivity
The Kita Pinocchio in numbers

Our capacity utilization in the last 8 years:



Supervised children


1 year




2 year




3 year




4 year




5th year




6th year




7th year




8th year





  • Admissions: 14
  • Resignations: 13
Annual Report Board KITA Pinocchio


The biggest change came in 2016 with Aimée’s unpaid leave. However, sabrina and her team mastered this challenge with flying colors. On behalf of the Executive Board, I would like to express my thanks once again for this.


Also in 2016, the resulting projects and work were discussed at 6 meetings and assistance was provided for implementation. Various necessary replacement purchases could be made quickly and easily.

It was also possible for us again to approve further training for the staff and to release the necessary amounts of money for this.

This is mainly due to the positive conclusion of last year and the exceptionally good balance sheet this year.

On 11 November 2016, the Regional Social Service Erlach, with the support of Commissioner Luis Jucker, again carried out a controlling in the day-care centre. ==References====External links== Kitaleiterin also I participate. Due to the exemplary work and the excellent preparation of the kindergarten management and her team, there were no shortcomings to complain about this year.

Despite a budgeted expense surplus for 2016 of 4,700, we were able to close the calculation for 2016 with a very pleasing profit of CHF 63,968.73, which enables us to make further improvements to the daycare center in the current year and to enable further training for the staff. In addition, the planning of the coming years will present us with further major challenges.

We would also like to thank our accountant Daniela Binggeli for her commitment and support. Daniela will step down from her position at the beginning of 2017. The accounting is now taken care of by Christine Mathys.

A reasonably balanced budget is expected for 2017.

President Thomas Böhler

Müntschemier, 17 February 2017